Friday, November 17, 2006

Hair Care

How attached are you to your hair? Whoa, wait, hang on now....before you start discussing your hair loss problems with me, here’s a spot of clarification.....what I meant was, just how much do you love your hair? If I should hazard a guess, I’d say a whole lot! Well, atleast I do.
I’m blessed with thick dark hair and even as a child, I have loved my hair with all my heart. While all the princesses in my fairy tale books (including the very memorable Rapunzel) had looooooooooong, flowy locks, it was the bane of my young life that my mom didn’t seem to see things the same way. No long hair for princes to climb over for her. As far as she was concerned, long hair meant more washing, scrubbing and combing. So every month (with monotonous regularity because my hair grew like the dickens), I’d be dragged off, heels digging into the the barber’s saloon.

No, don't re-read was the barber's saloon alright, not a beauty parlour, but the barber’s saloon! My parents are a very practical couple and they didn’t see why a 7-year old had to be dragged all the way to a beauty parlour in the city when the chopping can happen just as efficiently in the friendly barber’s parlour just next door. Ok, so I wasn’t grooming to win any local beauty competitions, but still, a barber’s parlour? You guys may not think it’s such a big deal….but I’m the one that had to sit on a hard wooden seat every month and watch my lovely locks getting pruned off me like a lamb before the shearers!
And inevitably, I would return after every haircut with a jubilant father, visibly relaxed at escorting back a quiet and withdrawn child who on the way to the torture chambers had been a tornado of teeth and feet, biting, dragging and kicking all the way! And beside this victorious man would walk a solitary tearful little figure – me, drooping, wilted, staring watery-eyed at a tiny fist clutching little clumps of my massacred hair that I’d surreptitiously managed to salvage from the barber’s chair!! Yeah people, I loved my hair that much! Don’t feel too sorry for me though, ‘cos I invariably got my revenge. Now my mom wants me to have long, plaited braided hair like a traditional Tamil girl and what do I have? Shoulder-length layered cut! Hee hee!

By this time, you probably have a lifted eyebrow and a “And your point is?” look on your face. Ok then, here’s my point. Sure, I loved my hair enough to take home the remnants, but my grief lasted only a few fleeting minutes. An enticing lollipop from my mom’s mysterious candy cupboard would have had me forgetting my barber shop woes in seconds….after all, it was only hair (Tamil readers, you’ll probably get my gist!) and mine grew like someone fed it Super-Gro anyways! But the Word of God says that the Lord considers even this most superficial part of me, something precious. He cares so much about my hair that He keeps daily count - knows just how many new hairs grow and how many we lose on a daily basis! Now isn’t that awesome? I mean, like why would anyone really bother? But He does bother! Anything that has anything to do with me is His concern, however unimportant it may seem to the rest of the world.
Mothers are known for being hawk-eyed and fiercely protective. They know exactly when baby has popped a stone into his mouth and they know exactly where to hunt for the lost pacifier, stuffed animal or shoe. But even they couldn’t stand up to the attention you and I get from God! He’s constantly watching us as we trudge through life trying to do things our way (consequently messing them up), ever ready to come to our rescue even when we push Him away, planning out a future that we usually toss in the bin and simply seeking our hearts with a yearning to feel His love reciprocated!

Look at it this way people. Here we are worrying about everything from dandruff to death while God’s working quietly, calmly, unruffled and at His own pace. From the top of your head to the tip of your toes, He’s got it ALL covered! So let your hair loose (pun intended) and know that you’re loved….more than you can ever comprehend….yeah, even those of you going bald right now….it’s ok…atleast you’re making it easier for the Lord to keep count!
Matthew 10:30 - And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.


Anonymous said...

The first four paragraphs I read seemed incongruous to me. This I say having read your previous articles. After getting it comprehensively read I would say the correlation materializes in an utterly arcane fashion, laced amid food for thought.

Is this an indication that we’d be in recipient of articles radically different with respects to theme and style?

Hannah Lauvanya said...

Well, I must say you got me there. What you read was a rough draft, a very painfully drafted rough draft. I've been suffering from writer's block for a month now and finally decided I'd just spew something out and then fix it. You happened to come by in the 'pre-fix era' I guess!

I do realise the whole article is loosely jointed and really doesn't say much and I deeply apologise for having disappointed you with such shabby style and obscure writing....

Tell you what...I'll make it upto you. Today. Do check back late night and you should see a different post here. Will keep this one anyways atleast until you read my reply. Thanx for the constructive criticism...God bless!

Anonymous said...

You made a beautiful story of Love and Affection all with.... Though the flow was a bit distorted. I guess widely the message was clear.
To strongly Comment more than the GOD, it is your Parents who have count on everything it happens and they will Love you always in the same way from the moment you had opened your eyes, in fact more than the God.
We are gifted with our Parents, who make us to realize what it means by Unconditional Love and Unconditional Care.

My Point is In search of Christ we miss to see the tears shed for us, to hear the smile in happiness for us and to Realize the pain and unconditional care and love the people show to us, may it be Parents, brothers or friends or any relationship.

Hannah Lauvanya said...

Dear Anonymous,

I appreciate the criticism, but would like to point out a few fine points here. First of all, there is no need to search for Christ for He already came searching for us. This is where the Christian faith differs from all others. Besides, Jesus said, "whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, that you do unto me" (Matthew 25:40). So Loving God essentially involves loving people too...the two cannot be separate.

About parental love being higher than Godly love, I beg to differ. Parents are human and though they are instinctively endowed with supremem affection and care for their young, like all human they also can hurt, let down and disappoint us. But the Lord never fails us. Isaiah 49:15&16 say, "Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!" Thus, the Lord's 'agape' love towers mightily over even the sweetest and most sacrificial of human love.....

Anonymous said...

i am a christian i agree the last
statement which is said by christ.
and also i am losing my hair every day one by one.i think god is
making this to me.u can hear this one in tamil .if u well know tamil
u can understand.

avan indri oru anuvum asayadhu.

but u have to remember molecule is smaller than hair