Monday, September 05, 2005

Order out of Chaos....

When we were children, we would go to beach and spend hours toiling over sandcastles. Older people build houses. And for either activity, we use our hands and back and the sweat of our brow. Yet in our creation, there is imperfection. The sandcastles always get washed away and buildings don't last forerever. But our God created a world that has lasted millions of years and the amazing part is that He brought the whole world into being by just speaking! He said "Let there be light" and behold, there was Light! Like magic isn't it? Except that magic is a rather inadequate word to explain such a wondrous act of creation. Who, but our Lord could separate the heavens from the earth? Who but our Lord could bind the seas and oceans and command them not to cross their boundaries into the land? Who but our Lord could create that amazing force called Gravity that makes sure we all stay put and don't float off into space? Who but our Lord could create millions of stars, planets, whole galaxies and yet, lovingly call each star by name? Who, but our Lord? The answer is NONE ELSE. With our Lord, nothing is impossible AND impossible is nothing!

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