Thursday, September 01, 2005

Something out of Nothing????

Imagine.....nothing. Yes, that's what I said...imagine a state where nothing exists...not even darkness...there is just, simply NOTHING! Difficult huh? The human mind does not know how to imagine a state of 'nothingness' because it doesn't know how to comprehend it. This, is the limitation of human thought and intelligence. Genesis says, God created out of nothing. HE knows what 'nothing' looked like! And out of this mysterious 'nothing', he created everything we see today - the land, the se, the skies, the flora, fauna, people.....everything, out of nothing!

We have a God who has a conception of things our minds can never grasp. He knows wonderful, amazing things that we could never understand even in a million lifetimes. When such an Omniscient, wise God who knows EVERYTHING there is to know about the past, the present and the future is looking out for us, isn't it funny the way we don't trust him with our tomorrows? Think about it........

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