Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Footprints in the sea....

One of my favourite verses from the Bible is from the Book of Psalms, Chapter 77, verse 19. The NIV version reads thus: ‘Your path led through the sea, your way through the mighty waters, though your footprints were not seen’.

At first glance it seems an ordinary verse, nothing wonderful about it - a prayer for help, midway through which, the psalmist changes his tune. “I will remember the deeds of the Lord”, he says, “Yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago”. He derives strength and confidence from the Lord’s mighty works in the past while he waits for his prayer to be heard.

What follows is an account of the crossing of the Red Sea by the Hebrews in a terrible situation from which no doubt originated the expression, ‘between the devil and the deep sea’. The children of Israel under the leadership of Moses and the command of God, chose the deep, deep sea. And what happened next was history.

Imagine this: Quaking, trembling Israelites dragging their horses and carts and donkeys and fowls, children wailing, women wondering if Moses was mad, old people wishing they could die peacefully back in Egypt rather than drown in the sea, Moses trembling himself for he knew he could trust God and yet……command his people to walk into the sea? What was he doing? They stall, push each other, cry, steel themselves, place gingery feet into the water and then slowly trudge into what they are sure is their doom. A few feet into the water, a miracle, a miracle…..as they move deeper, the sea parts in two!

Two fearsome walls of liquid hem them in on either side, defying all rules of physics and gravity! No creatures of the deep get to them, no rush of water strangles their oxygen supply. An awesome silence must have prevailed. Even as they crossed, they must have doubted….especially when they were right in the middle. What if the waters came crashing down now? There would be no escape….more crushing fear….a little hope maybe. Then suddenly the shore comes into view…now they’re all in a hurry to get out…pushing, treading on each other's feet, bumping into each other, rushing to be first to set foot on dry land. They’d made it.....they’d made it!

What joy and singing must have started….but wait….the Egyptians were following them…now what? Did they come all the way only to be slaughtered? They watch, silent, fearful….and then the murmering starts…someone’s noticed the air’s changing…something’s wrong…and then, the great crash! The waters come together in a mighty show of nature’s power and Egypt’s greatest warriors are drowned like rats in a river! Cymbals, harps, music, Hallelujahs! Imagine this!

In the midst of this all, they must have thought Moses a very powerful leader, a great man with magical powers maybe. They must have considered themselves very special people indeed if God had parted the seas for them breaking all rules of Nature…how proud they must have been!

Now return with me to Psalm 77: 19. Israel never stopped for a moment to consider this. The watery grave that gave them way, they had not walked alone. Verse 16 of the same chapter says: ‘The waters saw you O God, the waters saw you and writhed; the very depths were convulsed!’

The Lord Himself had walked ahead, his footsteps invisible to their eyes! But all creation recognized Him. The Lord, the Lord Almighty Himself had condescended to walk in their midst!! What an honour, what privilege! And so, the way a crowd of people part before a VIP, the sea bowed low before our God….bowed and gave way…keeping his feet dry as long as He walked its depths……and that my friends, is the only reason the Israelites got to the other side in one piece!

Today, in our lives we see situations like these everyday. Doors open to opportunities we never dreamed of, problems solve themselves even before we attempt to sort them out, success comes looking for you of its own accord. Each time this happens, know this: His invisible footprints walk ahead, His awesome presence leads the way. And when this happens, nothing will be denied to you……NOTHING!

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