Friday, September 15, 2006

Mirror mirror on the wall....

What did u see first when you woke up today (apart from the ceiling fan that is)? The dawn sky blushing silver and gold? Green trees, grass, flowers? Your dog wagging his tail for all he's worth because he's so happy you're stirring again? Or maybe (if you're the typical young person), it was just your TV set tuned to your favourite channel. But there's one important thing we rarely observe everyday......ourselves.
How many of us actually stand in front of the bathroom mirror and take time to gaze at ourselves....sure, we all do that in the prime of youth (or when we've just had a facial!). Sometimes, we take hard, critical looks at our features..."if only my nose were smaller, my lips poutier, my pimples gone and my stomach flat....." we moan....People in good shape go, " handsome devil you...ur in great shape for your age!"
But how many of us actually stop and wonder at the creation that is 'us'. The wrinkles on your forehead, the crow's feet near your eyes, the leathery quality of old/sunburnt skin, the cracks in chapped lips, even the gray in your many of us take closer looks at these. We turn away hastily...we don't like visual cues that reminded us of ageing. The next time you turn away like this, STOP! And think...
The Word of God says we are wonderfully and fearfully made and that includes not just clear youthful skin, jet black hair or a firm body, but also gnarled rheumatic fingers, a toothless mouth and a face hidden in matter how old we are or how ungarciously we age, we are still God's wonderful creations...every cell in your body speaks of His wonderous handiwork......every nerve, and the tiniest bone cries out praises to His name...every blood corpuscle, lymph node and the thinnest of veins marvels at His master design.
So the next time you pass a mirror, wait up, take a deeply appreciative look and say, "Praise the Lord!"

1 comment:

M said...

//We are still God's wonderful creations...every cell in your body speaks of His wonderous handiwork......every nerve, and the tiniest bone cries out praises to His name...every blood corpuscle, lymph node and the thinnest of veins marvels at His master design.//

I loved this sentence ...:)
yes His is a wonderful creation .. always .. be it whatever!